Racial Justice Task Group

Racial Justice Task Group - Co-Chairs Ruling Elder Diane Matthews and Rev. Dr. Steve Lytch

Brave Spaces Book Discussion: Click here for the Brave Spaces Book Discussion Information

Statement of Purpose for Racial Justice Task Force: To be God’s hands and feet within the Presbytery to address past racial injustice, current bias, establish solutions for an acceptable racial justice outcome, create a path for an equitable future for all, acknowledging and accepting people of diverse histories, knowing all are children of God and thus help create an atmosphere and means of reconciliation in the churches and hearts of people.

Civil Rights Bus Trip - March 8-15, 2025: To learn more about the fight for equal rights, Messiah University is offering a tour in March 2025 of Civil Rights sites. Click on the link here to learn more and to register!

Guiding Scriptural Text: Ephesians 2:14 (NRSV) - For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us.