Thank you for your support of The Presbytery of Donegal. Donegal Presbytery partners with the Presbyterian Foundation to provide a safe and secure online donation method through Vanco Online. You can donate by credit card or through your bank account.

Donating or Making a Payment

Click on “Give Now” below to make a one-time donation or set up a profile to make recurring donations.

Give Now!

  • Select the “Donegal Presbytery Giving” fund to give to a specific fund, mission, or ministry.
    • Per Capita Payment
    • Basic Mission Support
    • Directed Mission Support – Presbytery of Donegal, Synod, or General Assembly
    • Churchwide Special Offerings and Appeals – OGHS, Christmas Joy, Pentecost, Peacemaking, Theological Education, PDA
    • Directed Mission Projects – PCUSA Mission Co-Workers, Donegal Mission Projects, GA Mission Projects
  • Please use the “Memo” section to provide giving details.
  • You may also send along a 2024 Mission Remittance Form if you would like to provide further mission giving details to
  • Select the “Donegal Presbytery Payments” if you would like to pay for an event, purchased item or service provided.
    • Meal at a Presbytery Gathering ($10 per person)
    • Event Registration or Deposit
    • Book Purchase (Book of Order, Book of Confession, etc.)
    • CPM MAP Payment (Inquirers)
  • Please use the “Memo” section to provide payment details.

If you have questions about online giving, please contact the Presbytery of Donegal office.