Full-Time Covenant Pastor Positon

June 27, 2023

Slateville Presbyterian Church, Delta, PA

The Slateville Presbyterian Church in Delta, PA in Donegal Presbytery, is looking for a full-time pastor who would work 40-45 hours per week.

The position is immediately available.  These are the following job responsibilities:

  • Lead the Session and congregation in a time of transition
  • Moderate meetings of the Session and congregation
  • Lead Sunday Worship, including a children's message and other special/seasonal services as negotiated
  • Administer the sacraments of Baptism, the Lord's Supper, officiate at Weddings and Funerals of church families and those served by the congregation
  • Oversee the process to ordain and install Ruling Elders and Deacons
  • Make hospital and other critical care visitation
  • Provide communion and pastoral care visitation to church members in their homes, hospitals, and nursing homes as time is available
  • Assist Mission Committee on development of a strategic plan for church growth
  • Work with committees as negotiated in the time frame

Compensation will be negotiated from the full-time Presbytery minimum, which is $62,107 for 2023, with the housing allowance designated as needed. Benefits are negotiable depending upon the situation, and mileage reimbursement is included at the standard IRS rate. The position will be negotiated with the Session in consultation with the Donegal Presbytery's Connecting Our Ministries (COM) Commission. The length of the position will be two years and include a 60-day termination notification on either side. Toward the end of the two-year period, the incumbent will be notified if he/she will be invited to apply for an installed pastor position. Commissioned Ruling Elder Pastors and ecumenical partners from denominations in communion with the PC(USA) will be considered.

PIFs and resumes should be sent to the Executive Presbyter, the Rev. Dr. Erin S. Cox-Holmes, at . Please feel free to contact her with any questions about the position. The Covenant Pastor Search Committee will be in touch with applicants with whom they wish to arrange interviews. The position will be open until it is filled.

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